New Year’s Resolution

I am so sorry that I have neglected this blog for so long. All I can say is that I am a suffering servant of the Lord Jesus however willingly or not. I think that Jesus allows me to feel what different segments of the population are feeling such as the drug addict, the lonely and the schizophrenic.

I think we should all make a new resolution for 2014. We should let God take the driver’s seat in our lives. However, don’t look for the dramatic or ostentatious to take place in your lives. Instead, try to listen for the still, small voice within your heart, and then follow what the Holy Spirit tells you. This will be our big task for this new year of 2014.

God bless you all, thank you for following this blog and do not hesitate to take a look at my Ebook about the Final Battle. Follow the link on my website:

Love, joy and peace,