by Valli | Aug 3, 2011 | Personal
Yesterday I had an appointment with the dentist. The receptionist said that I did not have an appointment because the records indicated that I was deceased. I told the hygienist I certainly wouldn’t mind being in Heaven right now. She said I could not go yet because I have not filled God’s purpose yet. Was she speaking prophetically? As I have said before, we have to spend every day s if it were our last one. I believe it was St. Therese, the Little Flower, who said she would not do anything differently. We should follow her as our role model; we should perform our regular duties but always turn our hearts toward...
by Valli | Jul 28, 2011 | Personal
Many people feel that definitely Armageddon will come in the year 2012. We do not know when the final day will really come. No one knows, not even the Son, but the Father alone. The best advice this author can give is that you live every day as if it was your last. Offer up each day for Jesus. Sometimes the Lord will put on your heart who to offer your sufferings or your day for. As far as Armageddon goes, this author feels that this economy will tank and then people will begin looting and fighting for food. The best thing to do is to form small groups to fight off those who are trying to take your food. This writer feels sure that many of you know about the devil’s 666 mark. Only these people who carry this mark on their bodies will also be able to buy and sell their goods. Please, do not cave in to this pressure. Your love for Jesus Christ should keep you going. It would be better to die for the Lord than to spend an eternity in hell! Therefore, to summarize, keep close to our Lord Jesus Christ and do not worry about what is to come. It will profit you nothing except to make you upset and medically and physically sick. Ask Jesus to always be loyal to Him. He will never fail...
by Valli | Jul 23, 2011 | Personal
Thanks to all who have been following this blog and all of those who are about to come. Let me make it clear that no one knows when the final days will be, not even the Son, but only the Father. All we have to do is to “Keep our Eyes Fixed on the Prize” who is none other than Jesus. There is no amount of money, possessions, power or prestige that we will be taking with us when we die. So why are we running around like hamsters in squirrel cages to gain these things which will all be rubbish in the end? It will profit us nothing! That is why we should spend daily prayer time with our Master. If we cannot do that, then we must try to think of Him as we go about our daily...
by Valli | Jun 10, 2011 | Personal
At times the Lord puts it in my heart to write about different subjects. Would anyone know what the title refers to? Yes, the tongue is referred to by Jesus as a two edged sword. Just think about it. Just one hurtful word can help destroy a person’s self-worth while just one kind word or even a smile can make a person’s day. Think of this. When a word leaves your mouth, it can never be recalled. Therefore, we should always pray that the Holy Spirit gives us the right words to speak. I would suggest that if you have a Bible that you would begin reading the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. This is where you will learn to develop a close relationship with the Lord. God bless you all for all of the kind words you have written to me. Sincerely in Christ,...
by Valli | May 4, 2011 | ArmageddonGuide
It says in Scripture, and I paraphrase, all who follow the Light will have the Light of Life, that is, Eternal Glory. We will survive what is to come. Now that can be in a few ways. It can be that we will be taken up with Jesus before the real Armageddon begins so that we may be spared all of the destruction and bloodshed, we may stay down on Earth to fight for the Lord and give our lives in holy martyrdom and receive our reward right away or we may stay until the Second Coming of the Lord when all shall arise from their graves and be separated into two sections, the sheep and the goats. The sheep will follow their Shepherd into Everlasting Glory and the goats will be cast into the Everlasting furnace of hell. Time grows short. There is still time to confess that you know, love, and serve Jesus Christ. Will you follow the Light or the Darkness? The decision is...
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